Nonmammalian animal models for biomedical research
Greenberg, N., G. Burghardt, D. Crews, E. Font, R. Jones, and G. Vaughan. 1989.
In: Animal Models in Biomedical Research, Avril D. Woodhead, editor. CRC Press, N. Y. pp 289‑308.
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Nonmammalian Animal Models for Biomedical Research
Editor Avril D. Woodhead, D.Se. Associate Biologist Department of Biology Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York
Technical Editor Katherine Vivirito Technical Information Division Brookhaven National Laboratories
Neil Greenberg. Gordon M . Burghardt. David Crews. Enrique Font. Richard E . Jones. and Gerald Vaughan
I . Introduction …………………………………………………………… 290
A . The Ethological Approach ……………………………………….. 290
II. Chemosensory Aspects of Behavioral Dysfunction ………………………… 290
A . Feeding ………………………………………………………… 292
III . Reciprocal Influences of Physiological Stress and Reproductive Behavior …………….. 292
A . Body Color as an Index of the Physiological Stress Responses ………. 292
IV . Behavioral. Gonadal. and Morphological Sexuality ……………………….. 294
A . Developmental Disorders of Reproductive Function ………………… 295
B . Experience vs . Biology ………………………………………….. 295
V . Models of Ovulatory Cycling …………………………………………… 296
VI . Affective Disorders Involving the Basal Forebrain ………………………… 298
A . Striatal Function in Reptiles ……………………………………… 298
B . Striatal Control of Species-Typical Stereotyped Behavior …………… 298
C . Anatomical Correspondences …………………………………….. 298
VII . Central Dopamine Dysfunction …………………………………………. 299
A . Neurotoxic Effects of MPTP …………………………………….. 299
B . Behavioral Changes Following MPTP Treatment …………………… 300
VIII . Developmental-Communicative Disorders and Learning …………………… 301
IX . Cellular Physiology and Body Color in Anolis carolinensis ………………… 301
A . Hormonal Interactions in Regulating Cell Function …………………. 302
X . Conclusions …………………………………………………………… 303
A . The Evolutionary Perspective …………………………………….. 303
Acknowledgments ……………………………………………………………. 304
References …………………………………………………………………… 304
Reptiles possess considerable interest as exemplars of alternative tactics for solving ecologically important problems of survival and efficient energetics. They also are contemporary representatives of the evolutionary precursors of our own species. But beyond these traditional zoological concerns, recent research informed by the ethological approach to problems of causation indicates that several unique qualities of reptiles may provide models useful for research on a diverse array of problems of biomedical interest. These include developmental, endocrinological, neurological, and cellular aspects of stress-related and affective disorders, feeding, reproductive dysfunction, and even Parkinson’s disease.
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