“What Should I Do?”
HOW can ART & ORGANISM help you meet your needs?
Exercise: Draw four circles with a small mind-map inside each one:
1, what you love
2, what you do well
3, what the world needs
4, what the world will pay for

If what you love to do and what you do well match up with needs the world is willing to pay for… Rosalyn Clare’s coaching page Other examples: google image search for “what the world will pay for”
“Plans,” Polonius said, are “… in free-form that enables life to find meaning beyond the shackles and bonds of inky blots and rotten parchment bonds” (what others say rather than what others tell us) (actually John of Gaunt, but who cares) (but Polonius rhymes with Thelonious (Monk)). Polonius said, “To thine own self be true…” I ramble, free-associate, digress, and find myself sometimes rewarded with wholly unexpected insights … little bursts of pleasure… About plans, Dwight Eisenhower has said that “plans are useless but planning is everything” (quote)