Interdisciplinary Activities


1991-1994: Member, Board of Trustees, Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church.

1989-1990: Chair, Annual Retreat Committee, Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church.

1987-1991: Chair, Adult Programs, Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church.

1986-1991: Member, Program Council, Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church.

1982-  Member, Arts Council of Greater Knoxville.

1968: Member, Executive Advisory Committee.  Destruction in Art Symposium- USA ’68(DIAS/USA-68). Judson Memorial Church (U.S. sponsor), New York.

1967-1969: Managing Director, ECCE HOMO GALLERY.  Happenings and art exhibits. (6th Ave at 24th St, Chelsea, Manhattan, New York.)



1972 Direct publishing grant, “Interdisciplinary Issues of FRAGMENTS.” CCLM:06-30-72.

1970 Coordinate publishing grant,FRAGMENTS”.  CCLM, 02-04-70. (Matched by Rutgers University.)



1983-1988 Editor, ZooView, quarterly journal of the Appalachian Zoological Society.

1984   Editor, The Appalachian Zoologist, scholarly and educational publication of the Appalachian Zoological Society/Friends of the Knoxville Zoo.

1975   Publisher, Fragments (Celebrations and Bewilderments). No. 7, 76 pp.

1972   Publisher, managing editor.  Fragments (Poetry Issue). No. 6, 60pp

1971   Publisher, general editor.  Fragments.  No. 3. 56 pp.

          Publisher, Fragments (Plastic Father).  No. 4. 37 pp.

          Publisher, Fragments (Crossfeed).  No. 5. 40 pp.

1969   Publisher, general editor.  Fragments.  No. 2. 56 pp.

1968   Publisher, general editor.  Fragments.  No. 1. 52 pp.

1963   Fiction editorColumns (The Literary Magazine of Drew University). Autumn; Winter.



1990   Essay, “Dreams Begot in the Crucible of Truth.” Perceptions, periodical of the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church, 35(4):7-10 (February).     

1988   Essay, “Art, Science, Arete.”  Teaching/Learning Issues, University of Tennessee Learning Research Center Monograph. Number 63, Summer. 1988  14 pp.

1987   Essay, “Spiritual Means, Spiritual Ends.”  Perceptions, periodical of the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church, 33(13):12-13 (October).     

1987   Essay, “Spirituality, Faith, and Heroism.”  Perceptions, periodical of the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Church,  31(36):12-13 (April).

          Essay, “Myths of the Great Cats.” ZooView, quarterly journal of the Appalachian Zoological Society.

1986   Essay, “Science and technology as human endeavors.  Liberal Education 72(1):35-41.

1971   Essay, “The transformation of the serpent:  a study in ethnozoology.  Minnesota Review 11(1):66-74.

          Poem, Mammae.  Fragments.  5:13.


1970   Poem, spectral analyses, next slide please.  Prologue.  4(1):34.

1969   Poem, merely symbols, next slide please.  Fragments.  2:5.1961

1968   Poem, two haiku.  Fragments.  1:10.

1963   Poem, ce fut le anneeColumns. (The literary magazine of Drew Univ.),  Spring.

Poem, the spider king;  the cellist;  with lute music.  Columns.  Autumn.

1962   Poem, from:  the lamentations.  Columns.  Spring.

1961   Poem, The matador.  Columns.  Spring.




1976   Drawing:  elektra.  Columns. Autumn.

1968   Drawing: Mandala OM.  Fragments. 1:24.

Drawing: Mandala:  profit, soul. Fragments. 1:back cover.

          Drawings:  two nudes by Zeponigorov.  Fragments. 1:22-23.

          Photograph: Alley, sky.  Fragments.  1:front cover.

1969   Photographs: The Back (by H. Matisse).  Fragments.  2:22-23.

Two Drawings: In:  L. Phillips (ed.), Conversations in the Disciplines. SUNY Conference booklet.  pp. 4, 17.

Paintings: Four Studies of Agamemnon.  Fragments. 2:22-23.

Collage: Drawings of The air in her hair.  Fragments.  2:31-33.

1970   Painting:  Agamemnon, study 6, and cover art.  In:  R. Deutsch, The Dime. New Rivers Press, N.Y.

1971   Ten Drawings: In:  C. W. Truesdale.  Plastic Father. Fragments, N.Y.

          Two Collages:  stones, scream; brain, child.  Fragments.  5:16, 18.

          Collage:  eyelips.  Fragments.  3:3.

          Drawing:  earth, baby.  Minn. Review 11(1):1.

          Five Drawings: roots, a portfolio.  Minn. Review  11(1):55-5.

          Nine Drawings: In: R. Ratner. A Birthday of Waters. New Rivers Press, N.Y.

1972   Photographs: Reptile Research.  Rutgers Graduate School Brochure, p.4.

1973   Photographs: Lizards. Prospectus: Graduate programs of Rutgers, p. 4.

          Photographs: The Sensuous Lizard.  Minn. Review.  11(4):79-86.

          Ten Drawings.  In:  A. Goldbarth.  Coprolites.  N.Y., New Rivers.

1975   Eight Drawings. In:  R. Elman. The Man Who Ate New York. New Rivers Press.

Ten Collages. In: L.Phillips. Celebrations and Bewilderments. Fragments Press.

1976   Eleven Drawings. In: D.Clinton. The Conquistador DOG Texts. New Rivers Press.

1978   Ten Drawings  In:  R. Elman.  Homage to Fats Navarro.  New Rivers Press, NY.

Photographs: Like a Lizard in the Sun.  Science News.  113(16):260-261.

1979   Thirteen DrawingsIn:  D. Clinton.  Inca Memoirs. New Rivers, St. Paul, MN

Drawing.  Anolis head.  ADAMHA News.  5(3):1.

Drawings.  Two Lizards.  Cover, Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting  of the Herpetologists League and the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.

1981   Collage: Drawing of Man’s brains.  Animal Behavior Society Convention Tee-shirt.

Collage. Dimensions of Animals.  Animal Behavior Society Annual Convention Abstract Booklet and Program Guide Covers.

1982   Photocollage: Two dreamphotos (hard dream; between a rock and a soft place).  Milkweed Chronicle 3(1):9, 24.

1983   Photocollage: Dreamphoto (seascape).  Milkweed Chronicle 4(1):29.

Last update, January 2008