presentations at professional meetings.

- University Studies Interdisciplinary Publications. Archived at TRACE
- Classes
- an array of interdisciplinary classes–often offered only occasionally–is offered annually. In the most recent catalog (2022-2023) it lists course offerings under: UNST)
- Colloquies
- The Transdisciplinary Phenomenology Research Group represents scholars from a variety of departments at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville with a common interest in phenomenological research in various human sciences. Affiliates with the TPRG come from such fields as nursing, education, child and family studies, psychology, sports studies, business, and forestry to name a few. Our group focuses on utilizing phenomenological and other qualitative methods to gain a better understanding of human experience in its various manifestations. (Publications)
- Distinguished Scholars. Each year, The Steering Committee identifies a distinguished scholar in interdisciplinary studies and awards them release funds to enable a summer to prepare a lecture to be presented at the annual University Studies Weekend Retreat in Gatlinburg, TN. These scholars also join the steering committee as the longest serving member rotates off.
- Presentations at Professional Meetings. Colloquies are constituted by interdisciplinary groups that have formed to have a regular venue for meetings. The University Studies Office organizes and coordinates administrative support. Colloquies often organize presentations about their shared interests at national and international professional meetings or organize meetings of comparable reach hosted at The University of Tennessee.
- e.g., Colloquy on Phenomenology: Greenberg, N. and K. Greenberg (2020) Personal and Shared Meaning in the Phenomenologically-informed Classroom. In: Proc 12th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg VA
Greenberg, N. (2019) Teaching as an Abstract Art Form. Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg VA
- e.g., Colloquy on Phenomenology: Greenberg, N. and K. Greenberg (2020) Personal and Shared Meaning in the Phenomenologically-informed Classroom. In: Proc 12th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg VA
- Centipetals. Monthly luncheon presentations by interdisciplinary scholars to their colleagues.
ART & ORGANISM (The Art and Science of Art and Science)
This project was first manifest at UTK in 1979 as a Spring seminar (now EEB/UNST 413), offered originally in the Department of Zoology (now the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology). It was cross-listed as an interdisciplinary course with University Studies
ICE [archive web page]
Threshold Program [archive web page]
Environmental Semester [archive web page]
“Learning from different disciplines” a review of “The Most Unknown” by Ian Cheney, director; Vice/Motherboard, 2018 by Brian Uzzi in Science 13 Jul 2018: Vol. 361, Issue 6398, pp. 138 DOI: 10.1126/science.aau1692 “The Most Unknown, a documentary film in the Simons Foundation Science Sandbox series, takes the viewer on a fantastical journey of nine scientists as they intrepidly knock on Heaven’s door. Each asks a profound question in a different way. But all are making a difference in how science explains the Universe, the world we live in, and the worlds within us.”