INTUITION – Peripheral Vision of Consciousness?

INTUITION – Peripheral Vision of Consciousness?

Is there a resonance we can learn from between PERIPHERAL VISION as an aspect of VISION and INTUITION  as an aspect of  CONSCIOIUSNESS?


  • VISION engages a complex constellation of neuronal processes, the balance between which is responsible for the incredible diversity and subtlety of sentient and sapient responses.  For example,
    • Two visual pathways hypothesis: Two streams of information:
    • A …”VENTRAL ‘perceptual’ stream computes a detailed map of the world from visual input, which can then be used for cognitive operations. A “…DORSAL ‘action’ stream transforms incoming visual information to the requisite egocentric (head-centered) coordinate system for skilled motor planning.
      • The model also posits that visual perception encodes spatial properties of objects, such as size and location, relative to other objects in the visual field; in other words, it utilizes relative metrics and scene-based frames of reference. Visual action planning and coordination, on the other hand, uses absolute metrics determined via egocentric frames of reference, computing the actual properties of objects relative to the observer.


Ventral system (what)

Dorsal system (where)



Visually guided behaviour


High spatial frequencies – details

High temporal frequencies – motion


Long term stored representations

Only very short-term storage


Relatively slow

Relatively fast


Typically high

Typically low

Frame of reference

Allocentric or object-centered

Egocentric or viewer-centered

Visual input

Mainly foveal or parafoveal

Across retina

Monocular vision

Generally reasonably small effects

Often large effects e.g. motion parallax




Global Impression.

“Peripheral vision plays a dominant role in the global impression providing an overall characterization of the image during an initial coarse screening by identifying gross departures from the observer’s normal prototypic chest.

Once these departures from normality are identified, either they can be verified foveally, or, they can be used as input for subsequent stages of search in the sense of specifying a set of potential target features or locations to be fixated and evaluated during discovery or reflective search. If viewing time runs out, they have to be evaluated by post-search recall.”  (The Cognitive Side Of Visual Search In Radiology. C.F. Nodine, H.L. Kundel, in Eye Movements from Physiology to Cognition, 1987)


Professor Emeritus, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.